Tuesday, April 27, 2010

China 'flooded' with pirate Windows XP

Pirated versions of Microsoft's Windows XP computer operating system have flooded Beijing's computer market, the local press reported, just days before its official launch in China.
Copies of Microsoft's latest product labelled "officially copyrighted" were freely available at the Zhongguancun computer market for about 30 yuan (£2.45; $3.60), the Beijing Evening News said.
Microsoft will launch a "simplified Chinese" version of Windows XP on Thursday with a price tag of 1,498 yuan (£123; $180).
Microsoft officials warned that the pirated versions were of sample versions and their use could cause damage to computers, the report said.
A number of a software manufacturers were also using the XP brand, with products called "Oriental Dadian XP" and "Jingying 315XP", to promote their sales, it said.

I think, Pirated software hurts everyone from software developers to retail store owners, and also to all software users. And also illegal duplication and distribution of software has a significant impact on the economy. So the best way to avoid wasting time and money is purchasing from known and trusted source. in fact this is a best way to help stop this illegal activity and maybe the true way to protect the legal software and other intellectual property.

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