Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hollywood faces piracy battle

New technology threatens to bring the film industry the same copyright problems as the music industry, Hollywood's biggest studios have warned.
The head of the Motion Picture Assocoiation of America, which represents the studios, told the ShoWest trade convention an increasing number of films are being downloaded from the internet each day.
MPAA Chief Executive Jack Valenti told the Las Vegas gathering: "Some 270,000 movies are illegitimately downloaded every day.
"By the end of this year it is estimated that a million films will be pirated each day by otherwise rationally-minded Americans who ought to know that creative works are private property."
The major studios are all experimenting with pay-per-view technology which uses the internet to bring films direct to the home.
The MPAA has been active in attacking piracy and campaigning for stronger copyright protection for the US film industry.
It has taken legal action against software providers offering utilities that break copyright-protecting codes in DVD discs and in July 2000 took a joint action with record industry groups against Scour.com, an internet-based service which enabled users to search for both music and film files.

One of the most important points which are existed in this paper is the numbers and figures this number shows that 270,000 movies are illegitimately downloaded every day. Hollywood is one the greatest victim of piracy. This is happening while some studios are sharing movies by their clients through net. By this way the movies which are received by clients could be shared easily by each other, the affects of this illegal sharing is so harmful for movie industry specially Hollywood. New technology and also net although can provide so many facilities and benefit, sometimes causes so much lost for both side which are producer and even user.

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